Demetric DAO

Demetric will envision the establishment of a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) to govern and drive the development of the Demetric platform. The Demetric DAO will be a community-led entity that empowers token holders and participants to collectively make decisions and shape the future of the platform.

The Demetric DAO will have a decentralized governance structure, allowing token holders to actively participate in decision-making. Token holders will have voting rights proportional to their token holdings, ensuring a fair and democratic process. Decisions related to platform upgrades, feature development, fee structures, and other crucial matters will be subject to community voting.

The Demetric DAO will operate with a high level of transparency and accountability. All proposals, voting results, and financial transactions will be recorded on the blockchain, ensuring transparency and auditability. Regular updates and reports on the progress and utilization of the treasury fund will be shared with the community to foster trust and transparency.

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